In 2011 I could to go to Libya with Iranian director "Mohsen Eslamzade". In Libya I worked as a cameraman and assistant director for 11 parts documentary film, that one of these parts which is named "Mysteries of Abu-Salim prison" screened in Aljazeera film festival in Qatar.
2012 I went to Bangladesh, and there I worked as a cameraman with the Iranian director "Mahdi Evazzade", as we made a documentary about Myanmar's refugees.
While I was doing my job, the tragedy of Rohigya's people attracted me a lot to take some photos of them, and when I came back to Iran, I have made my decision to establish my first photo gallery, and I was encouraged by Mr Ghafouri the head of Misagh teamwork, and the sponsor of the gallery.
By the way, it is necessary to say that some of these photos were taken by one of Bangladesh's photographer who is called "Zafar Khan".
you know, Muslims of "Rakhin" province in west of Myanmar who are called "Rohigya"; are under pressure of the Myanmar goverment and Buddhist people since 2 or 3 decades.
these opressed people are killed by sords and burned in fire, and there is a group of them who escaped from Myanmar to neighbor countries. in Myanmar's neighbors no country let them to enter as refugees.
and Myanmar govenrment never give permit to reporters and documentarists to go to critical areas, so we went to Bangladehs because there are the most peopulaton of Rohingia refugees there.
It is told that there are 17 or 19 legal refugee's camp in bangladesh; that the illegal camps are more than this. the life in camps is not better than death.
we could to go to 3 camps near to border of Bangladesh and myanmar in "Teknaf" city. border of Bangladesh and Myanmar is only "Naf" river, and those who escaped from Myanmar,they could to save thier lives by swiming across the river. and Bangladesh border forces do not give permission for boats to come in Bangladesh. it means if they go back they will die in the fire and if stay they will die in the water.
we didn't see what's happening on these people in myanmar, but any observer by watching their life, can understand they escaped from a hell. the life in camps is not a life, it's just survive. they don't have even primary facalities, like clear water, washrooms and even toilets...
Although the "Human rights watch" said this is a genocide, but international organization didn't do any Considerable work about this massacre.
this is my first photo gallery and i feel that it is my duty toword these opressed people, that no body do n't hear their sound. these photos are just for sending opressity message os Rohingias to anothers. i hope it to be the first step to push others to do something to them for solving their problems.
God willing...
Video: Sahar TV2